Should we blame FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried for anything?

Reading up on the crypto-FTX bankruptcy and scandal. Four items of interest: The New York Times after-the-fact: “How Sam Bankman-Fried’s Crypto Empire Collapsed.“ Before the scandal broke: “Stanford Law Profs’ Son Is A ‘Vegan Crypto Billionaire.’“ On of those Stanford law professors, Barbara Fried, wrote “Beyond Blame”, in which she argued that no one is

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The Outraged versus Magness and Makovi: Un-Marxist Marxists

Background: Here’s a good summary of the Magness/Makovi paper on the influence of politics on Marx’s reputation. Aside from the cheap-shot responses by many of those outraged by the paper, there’s an intriguing philosophical inversion at work among the Outraged. Marx himself argued that the world develops with “iron necessity” in a strict causal priority:

The Outraged versus Magness and Makovi: Un-Marxist Marxists Read More »

Justifying liberal capitalism — flowchart

Reprising this chart which integrates the major answers to the question: What makes liberal capitalism good? The chart diagrams the positive claims about liberal capitalism by its defenders — John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, and others. For elaboration, see my book Liberalism Pro and

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