Search Results for: Marxism

The Atlas Society Asks Stephen Hicks, Ph.D.

Jennifer Grossman, CEO of The Atlas Society interviews senior scholar Stephen Hicks on Black Lives, Matter, Covid, postmodernism, Cultural Marxism, and varieties of racism. This interview and Q&A was first published at YouTube in 2020. Below is a transcription. SUMMARY KEYWORDS: Racism, postmodernism, individualism, Marxism, reparations, capitalism, justice, institutional racism, Black Lives Matter SPEAKERS: Jennifer […]

The Atlas Society Asks Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Read More »

ENCROACHING DARKNESS, featuring Stephen Hicks, James Lindsay, & Michael O’Fallon

Does politics drive philosophy, or does philosophy drive politics? In the previous episode of Sovereign Nations’s Changing Tides, “The Seeds of Collectivism,” James Lindsay, Stephen Hicks and Michael O’Fallon began with the metaphysical collectivist thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. They then examined Hegel and Kant, and concluded with Dr. Hicks’s assertion that if it weren’t for the success

ENCROACHING DARKNESS, featuring Stephen Hicks, James Lindsay, & Michael O’Fallon Read More »

Free Speech: Why the *Philosophy* Matters [Open College transcript]

Topics and Times: What a meaningful life requires: [00:00 — 03:31] Far left and far right on metaphysics, human nature, and ethics [03:31 — 10:35] Walt Whitman quotation [09:28 — 10:35] Why the authoritarian left [10:35 — 13:53] Advertisement: [13:53 — 14:46] How we got to where we are now [14:46 — 45:19] The

Free Speech: Why the *Philosophy* Matters [Open College transcript] Read More »

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la Filosofía Marxista

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la Filosofía Marxista Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Tanta brutalidad ha surgido de activistas inspirados en Marx. Podríamos pensar que es solo un subproducto accidental de una teoría bien intencionada. ¿O es realmente una consecuencia necesaria e intencional de sus principios? Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde, 2020.

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la Filosofía Marxista Read More »

“My white skin disgusts me”

Lesson: The groundwork for this generation’s militant “antiracist-but-not-really” wokism was prepared by my generation.  “My white skin disgusts me” was my introduction to Robin Morgan’s autobiographical The Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism, published in 1989, recounting her journey through the New Left, Marxism, postmodernism, left feminism, racialism, and flirtations with revolutionary violence. The

“My white skin disgusts me” Read More »

Michael Rectenwald (NYU) discussion

Full interview in June 2021. We discussed Dr. Rectenwald’s Springtime for Snowflakes, along with my Explaining Postmodernism, and this series of topics: 00:00 Intro 00:51 Is the current contemporary left Rousseauian? 03:56 Anti-reason, anti-truth movement 06:39 Postmodernism as a crisis of faith in Marxism 12:05 Herbert Marcuse & the Frankfurt School 14:13 Where are we

Michael Rectenwald (NYU) discussion Read More »

Jordan B. Peterson discussion [Open College transcript]

We’re posting serially the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the 18th. My second discussion with Professor Peterson ranges over postmodernism, language, power, and what makes for a genuine education. Open College podcast published a 40-minute audio excerpt of the discussion; the full video discussion is available at Dr. Peterson’s site. Here is a

Jordan B. Peterson discussion [Open College transcript] Read More »

Ayn Rand y la ética empresarial contemporánea

Stephen R. C. Hicks Traducido al español por Fermín Elizalde. Artículo original en inglés y Kindle. Introducción: los negocios y la sociedad libre Los defensores de la sociedad libre piensan en los negocios como una parte integral de la sociedad dinámica y progresista que defienden. En Occidente, el surgimiento de una cultura hospitalaria para los

Ayn Rand y la ética empresarial contemporánea Read More »

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la *Filosofía* Marxista

Stephen R. C. Hicks Traducido al Español por Fermín Elizalde. Podcast in English. Tanta brutalidad ha surgido de activistas inspirados en Marx. Podríamos pensar que es solo un subproducto accidental de una teoría bien intencionada. ¿O es realmente una consecuencia necesaria e intencional de sus principios? Para empezar, ¿qué quiero decir con la larga historia

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la *Filosofía* Marxista Read More »

Derrida, according to Searle and Foucault

John Searle reports this conversation with Michel Foucault about deconstructionist Jacques Derrida:  ‘You can hardly misread him, because he’s so obscure. Every time you say, “He says so and so,” he always says, “You misunderstood me.” But if you try to figure out the correct interpretation, then that’s not so easy. I once said this

Derrida, according to Searle and Foucault Read More »