Search Results for: translation

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 2: Razão e fé são incompatíveis? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 2 of the Theist vs. Atheist series between John C. Wright and Stephen R. C. Hicks, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Razão e fé são incompatíveis? Por Stephen Hicks Tradução e Revisão de Matheus Pacini Eu aprecio o ensaio inicial do Sr. Wright e estou de acordo […]

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 2: Razão e fé são incompatíveis? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Lucros: bons, ruins e obscenos [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of “Profits: Good, Bad, and Obscene”, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Ninguém gosta de ter prejuízos, todavia, o lucro gera atitudes polarizadas. Como todos os fenômenos com alta carga moral — concorrência, riqueza, pobreza, propriedade — superar discussões muitas vezes confusas exige algumas distinções sutis. Vamos abordar o lucro por

Lucros: bons, ruins e obscenos [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Quando o altruísmo torna-se patológico [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of “When Altruism Becomes Pathological”, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Quem é mais propenso a trapacear — praticantes de esportes individuais ou de esportes coletivos? Um experimento fascinante realizado pelo professor Sharon K. Stoll, publicado no Chronicle of Higher Education, compara atletas de esportes individuais como golfe ou tênis simples

Quando o altruísmo torna-se patológico [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Cómo domesticar terroristas religiosos [Spanish translation]

por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “How to Tame Religious Terrorists”, originally published in English at EveryJoe and translated into Portuguese here.] Derrotar a un enemigo, como al politizado Islam, implica una batalla en varios frentes: policial, militar, diplomático, cultural y filosófico. Toda pelea es provocada por desacuerdos locales de corto plazo. Pero

Cómo domesticar terroristas religiosos [Spanish translation] Read More »

Como domesticar terroristas religiosos [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Stephen Hicks’s “How to Tame Religious Terrorists”, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Derrotar um inimigo como o Islã politizado é uma batalha de múltiplas frentes — policial, militar, diplomática, cultural e filosófica. Toda luta começa com desavenças locais e de curto prazo. Entretanto, conflitos generalizados de longa duração são

Como domesticar terroristas religiosos [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 1: Vale a pena discutir religião? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 1 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen R.C. Hicks and John C. Wright, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Vale a pena discutir religião? Por Stephen Hicks Tradução e Revisão de Matheus Pacini Minha resposta é: certamente, vale a pena discutir sobre religião. Todos nós

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 1: Vale a pena discutir religião? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation]

Por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “Comparing North and Latin American Economic Performance”, originally published in English at EveryJoe and in Portuguese at Libertarianismo.] Todos queremos que la gente logre vivir en forma adecuada, especialmente las personas pobres que están luchando por ello. Y si somos ambiciosos, queremos además que la gente pueda vivir

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation] Read More »

Edukacja dla przedsiębiorczości — Polish translation

My essay “Educating for Entrepreneurship” has been translated into Polish as “Edukacja dla przedsiębiorczości” and published in the journal Przeglad Pedagogiczny 2015, Numer 1. Abstract: Jak najlepiej możemy pomóc młodym ludziom w nabraniu postawy przedsiębiorczości -– przygotować ich czy to do zainicjowania własnego biznesu, czy to do bycia przedsiębiorczymi w ramach istniejących firm, czy też

Edukacja dla przedsiębiorczości — Polish translation Read More »

Review of Nietzsche and the Nazis — the Polish translation

Here’s a review of my Nietzsche i naziści. Moje spojrzenie, tłum. I. Kłodzińska, (Chojnice: Oficyna Wydawnicza Fundacji Fuhrmanna, 2014). Its author is Ks. Janusz Chyła, who is on the theology faculty at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. It’s published in the journal Teologia i Człowiek. To my knowledge, this is the fifth scholarly

Review of Nietzsche and the Nazis — the Polish translation Read More »

下一輪藝術革命 (The Next Revolution in Art) — Cantonese translation of lecture in Hong Kong

[I gave a talk in July at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on “The Next Revolution in Art.” Here is the full, original English version. The following is Margaret Chik’s condensed translation into Cantonese.] 首先,回顧歷史有名的藝術城 Cases: A closer look at some great art cities 雅典 (Athens) 曆时半個世纪的希波戰爭 (499- 449BC),最终以希臘的勝利而告结束。在希波戰爭中,雅典是希臘各城邦的盟主,城市雖然遭到戰爭的破壞,但是戰爭勝利而缴獲的大量財富,又使希臘的經濟繁榮起来。作为城邦盟主的雅典,对外以霸主身份發展自己的势力,对内實行民主政治,給人民以更多的富足與自由。執政官梭倫推行改革,採取多項措施促進雅典手工業和商業的發展。繁榮的經濟生活帶來了昌盛的文化生活。雅典是古代希臘文化輝煌燦爛的基礎,从而使雅典在公元前5世纪成為當時全希臘的藝術和教育中心、歐洲最美麗繁榮的城市。 佛羅倫撒 (Florence) 自十四世紀開始,佛羅倫撒從封建制度解體邁向城市的步伐,出現了歐洲最早的資本主義萌芽,這構成文藝復興運動興起的經濟基礎。當時的佛羅倫撒是歐洲最大的金融中心,其紡織業和銀行業居歐洲之冠。佛羅倫撒政治、經濟、文化政策哺育了文藝復興的燦爛群星,成為歐洲文藝復興運動的發祥地。 荷蘭 (Holland) 十七世紀的荷蘭被稱為荷蘭黃金時代,當時荷蘭剛脫離天主教会的控制和西班牙的殖民统治,成为人類歷史上第一個商業資本主義國家。國際貿易的持續發達,金融資本的自由流通,使荷蘭一跃成为歐洲最富裕的國度。荷蘭東印度公司是世界上第一家發行股票的跨國公司,堪稱現代公司治理和組織制度的創立者。社會的開放、對不同的思想流派、宗教信仰呈包容態度,吸引了歐洲其它專制地區的逃亡者带着手藝、財富和智慧涌向荷蘭,這些因素都在使此時的荷蘭藝術的繁榮起到巨大推進作用。 巴黎 (Paris)

下一輪藝術革命 (The Next Revolution in Art) — Cantonese translation of lecture in Hong Kong Read More »