Persian translation of *Explaining Postmodernism* and the censors

When my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault was to be published in Iran, the publisher notified me that a final step was necessary: getting a publishing license from the state’s censors. So the manuscript was submitted for approval to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. At the time, I had […]

Persian translation of *Explaining Postmodernism* and the censors Read More »

Guest on the Secular Foxhole with Blair Schofield and Martin Lindeskog

The questions: Modernism and the Enlightenment—what are they? Is philosophy a science? Is epistemology or ethics most important? Can you explain briefly Foucault, Rorty, Lyotard, Derrida? Why do the post-moderns reject the modern? Sense-perception—are the arguments against its validity perverse? What’s the Representational theory of perception? What did Kant think of Rousseau? What makes Rousseau

Guest on the Secular Foxhole with Blair Schofield and Martin Lindeskog Read More »

“How can the bird that is born for joy sit in a cage and sing?”

“How can the bird that is born for joy Sit in a cage and sing?” From William Blake’s poem, “The Schoolboy,” collected in Songs of Innocence and of Experience (1789). The full poem: I love to rise in a summer morn,    When the birds sing on every tree;The distant huntsman winds his horn,    And the skylark sings

“How can the bird that is born for joy sit in a cage and sing?” Read More »

Speaking at The Atlas Society 2022 Gala

JOIN US NEXT THURSDAY 6TH! I will be participating in two talks/panels at this gala event in California’s glamorous Calamigos Ranch, just outside Malibu. The evening celebration will honor entrepreneur Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy, and the day events will include discussions by philosopher David Kelley, economist Richard Salsman, philosopher Jason Hill, and political commentator Robert

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On the heavy weight of history: *Reality Demands* by Wisława Szymborska

Reality demandsthat we also mention this:Life goes on.It continues at Cannae and Borodino,at Kosovo Polje and Guernica. There’s a gas stationon a little square in Jericho,and wet painton park benches in Bila Hora.Letters fly back and forthbetween Pearl Harbor and Hastings,a moving van passesbeneath the eye of the lion at Chaeronea,and the blooming orchards near

On the heavy weight of history: *Reality Demands* by Wisława Szymborska Read More »

Urdu translation of *Explaining Postmodernism*—update

Professor Nazir Azad’s translation into Urdu of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault will be published this month, October 2022. Urdu is the first or second language of 230 million people in Pakistan and India. Information about other editions and translations of the book is here, including the audiobook edition below:

Urdu translation of *Explaining Postmodernism*—update Read More »

Dewey & Pragmatic Democracy [Education’s Villains and Heroes course]

The next session of our online course “Education’s Villains and Heroes”: October 12, when we will discuss John Dewey & Pragmatic Democracy. * Reading to prepare for this session: Excerpt from Democracy in Education (1916). * Link to register: ZOOM. To see more of our courses and related topics, visit Atlas Intellectuals. Related: Professor Hicks’s online course

Dewey & Pragmatic Democracy [Education’s Villains and Heroes course] Read More »

El Capitalismo Liberal Lleva a la Paz Internacional [*Liberalism: Pro & Con* en Español]

Quince argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal: Este post va a formar parte de una serie de argumentos del libro “Liberalism: Pro & Con” de Stephen Hicks en español. Pueden encontrar todos los argumentos que serán publicados en orden en el siguiente link: Liberalism: Pro & Con en español. Argumento 13: El capitalismo liberal lleva a

El Capitalismo Liberal Lleva a la Paz Internacional [*Liberalism: Pro & Con* en Español] Read More »