Search Results for: Free speech

“On the Proofs of God’s Existence” republished [Church and State]

My “On the Proofs of God’s Existence” is now republished at Britain’s Church and State site: “The Design Argument has some logical force and must be taken seriously. At the same time, is the best of a bad lot of arguments that attempt to prove the existence of God … Read more here. [Related: “Defending […]

“On the Proofs of God’s Existence” republished [Church and State] Read More »

“Campus Power Politics” republished [Church and State]

My “The Deep Theory behind Stifling Speech” is now republished at Britain’s Church and State site: “The protesting students are neither ‘snowflakes’ who can’t take the heat nor ‘delicate flowers’ whose feelings have been bruised. University students have seen movie violence, broken up with boyfriends and girlfriends, read ugly things on the internet, viewed porn

“Campus Power Politics” republished [Church and State] Read More »

Political protest in a “post-fact era”

[Re-posted from TRI.] A protester was shot at the University of Washington during a clash between rival factions — one faction physically blocking an audience from hearing a speech, the other faction seeking to hear a rabble-rousing orator. The orator was Milo Yiannopoulos, a leading spokesman for the alt-right movement, a revitalized and muscularized version of nationalist

Political protest in a “post-fact era” Read More »

Sixteenth printing of *Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault*

A new printing of the expanded edition was published this month. With postmodern theory now exerting itself in authoritarian practice, especially on many campuses, the book’s theme is sadly increasingly relevant: “The failure of epistemology made postmodernism possible. The failure of socialism made postmodernism necessary.” This is the sixteenth printing since its first publication in

Sixteenth printing of *Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault* Read More »

“University should teach you to make nuanced judgments”

Reposting for the new academic year: “University should teach you to make nuanced judgments. If you think there are only your views, and everyone else is Hitler, that’s a problem with you. You’re not an educated mind yet.” From my interview in Toronto’s Metro Canada newspaper’s “Defining Free Speech on Campus,” (page 9) as one

“University should teach you to make nuanced judgments” Read More »

New printing of *Explaining Postmodernism* — the fifteenth

A new printing of the expanded edition was published this month in a snazzy hardcover. Its theme: “The failure of epistemology made postmodernism possible. The failure of socialism made postmodernism necessary.” This is the fifteenth printing since its first publication in 2004. Samples from the scholarly reviewers of the first edition: “By the end of Explaining

New printing of *Explaining Postmodernism* — the fifteenth Read More »

Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks

This interview was published at FEE in abridged form as Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks. Abstract: A market-friendly philosopher takes on postmodernists, Ayn Rand, Michel Foucault, and Fifty Shades of Grey. Here is the unabridged version, which is also posted at interviewer Grégoire Canlorbe’s site. Interview with philosopher Stephen Hicks Hicks is

Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks Read More »

Ethics — Course Topics

Syllabus. Exam Schedule. To start: Stephen Hicks,  “What Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us All About Life.” Published in The Wall Street Journal (2016). Topic One  Is life meaningful or meaningless? The Meaning of Life—Selected Quotations from Psalms, Shakespeare, Brooke, Marvell, Thoreau, and others. Albert Camus, “The Myth of Sisyphus” (1942). Optional: Stephen Hicks, “Would Immortality Be Worth

Ethics — Course Topics Read More »

Why Spinoza was excommunicated

When he was only 23, Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was excommunicated from the Jewish community in Amsterdam. His precocious intellect has already formed and argued themes that were to be developed into his mature works, Theological-Political Treatise (published anonymously in 1670) and Ethics (1677). The excommunication document said, in part: “no one should communicate with him,

Why Spinoza was excommunicated Read More »