Search Results for: Art

Mises, *Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis* [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this unit of our self-paced course on Socialism, we start with a 7-point summary of Ludwig von Mises’s classic Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, focusing on socialism’s economic inconsistencies. Mises compares the principles of Socialism and Liberal-Capitalism and finds they differ not in their aims, but in their understanding of justice and the […]

Mises, *Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis* [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

El Libre Comercio te hace Mejor Persona

El Libre Comercio te hace Mejor Persona Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. El comercio nos permite ser más eficientes, y cuanto más extensas son nuestras redes comerciales, podremos disfrutar de los talentos de más personas, y a más personas podremos alcanzar con nuestros propios talentos. Para más artículos en español: Original article in

El Libre Comercio te hace Mejor Persona Read More »

Immanuel Kant on faith [from Explaining Postmodernism]

“I had to deny knowledge,” wrote Kant in the Preface to the first Critique, “in order to make room for faith.” For more on the meaning and implications of Immanuel Kant’s contributions to postmodernism, see my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism from Rousseau to Foucault (pp. 97-98). Information about other editions and translations of Explaining Postmodernism is

Immanuel Kant on faith [from Explaining Postmodernism] Read More »

Los Conservadores NO Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado

Los Conservadores NO Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Los conservadores e izquierdistas discrepan entre sí a menudo, pero ambos están en desacuerdo con los capitalistas liberales. El punto general aquí será que los debates políticos rara vez son bidireccionales; Casi siempre los capitalistas liberales se enfrentan a la oposición desde

Los Conservadores NO Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado Read More »

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, *The Communist Manifesto* [Atlas University course]

This week in the A.U. course on Socialism we cover Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s Manifesto of the Communist Party. Marx, who devised the ideology of communism, proclaims the inevitable self-destruction of capitalism due to its internal contradictions and urges communists to lead the world to a classless society. The full course: Other Waterfall

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, *The Communist Manifesto* [Atlas University course] Read More »

Free Speech: Why the *Philosophy* Matters [Open College transcript]

Topics and Times: What a meaningful life requires: [00:00 — 03:31] Far left and far right on metaphysics, human nature, and ethics [03:31 — 10:35] Walt Whitman quotation [09:28 — 10:35] Why the authoritarian left [10:35 — 13:53] Advertisement: [13:53 — 14:46] How we got to where we are now [14:46 — 45:19] The

Free Speech: Why the *Philosophy* Matters [Open College transcript] Read More »