Search Results for: Art

Two tidbits on Cuba: Batista, embargo excuse-making

1. Batista first came to power in Cuba by being elected to office. He ran as head of the Democratic Socialist party, a coalition supported also by the Cuban Communist Party. The image is of an election poster. (History lesson: Beware of democratic socialists. They’re often wolves in sheep’s clothing.) 2. The US-embargo means there […]

Two tidbits on Cuba: Batista, embargo excuse-making Read More »

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la Filosofía Marxista

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la Filosofía Marxista Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Tanta brutalidad ha surgido de activistas inspirados en Marx. Podríamos pensar que es solo un subproducto accidental de una teoría bien intencionada. ¿O es realmente una consecuencia necesaria e intencional de sus principios? Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde, 2020.

Políticas Violentas – La Lección de la Filosofía Marxista Read More »

Will Knowland (fired from Eton) interviews Stephen Hicks

I was interviewed by Will Knowland, who was sacked from his teaching position at England’s prestigious Eton College over a Woke-controversial lecture. Our theme: Educate or Indoctrinate? Here’s a two-minute excerpt: Is everything just power? And here is the full interview (list of questions and topics is below): (Here are two pieces of journalism on

Will Knowland (fired from Eton) interviews Stephen Hicks Read More »

*Nietzsche and the Nazis* — with timestamping

Timestamping is now done for the audiobook edition. Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View was first produced as a documentary in 2006. The book version was published in 2010. Translations are available into Farsi, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and a few more languages. Table of Contents: Part 1. Introduction: Philosophy and History [YouTube] [5 minutes]

*Nietzsche and the Nazis* — with timestamping Read More »

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. ¿Quién es más propenso a engañar? ¿Aquellos que practican deportes individuales o aquellos que practican deportes en equipo? Traducido al Español por María Marty, 2016. Para más artículos en español sobre Educación y Filosofía: Original article in English: “When Altruism becomes Pathological” (

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico Read More »

Atheist and Theist Sacrificers — two sides of the same coin

The atheist socialist Eric Hobsbawm on the deaths of millions under the Marxists in the Soviet Union: “In 1994, he shocked readers of the Times Literary Supplement when, in an interview with Michael Ignatieff, he said that the deaths of millions of Soviet citizens under Stalin, although ‘probably excessive,’ would have been worth it if

Atheist and Theist Sacrificers — two sides of the same coin Read More »

What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship — audio version

Here’s a 21-minute audiobook version of my “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship,” first published in print in The Journal of Private Enterprise. Other audio editions: Article: “Egoism in Nietzsche and Rand,” (JARS, 2009). Book: Nietzsche and the Nazis (Ockham’s Razor, 2010). Review: Tara Smith’s Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship — audio version Read More »

“My white skin disgusts me”

Lesson: The groundwork for this generation’s militant “antiracist-but-not-really” wokism was prepared by my generation.  “My white skin disgusts me” was my introduction to Robin Morgan’s autobiographical The Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism, published in 1989, recounting her journey through the New Left, Marxism, postmodernism, left feminism, racialism, and flirtations with revolutionary violence. The

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau on censorship [from Explaining Postmodernism]

Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “Considering the awful disorders printing has already caused in Europe, and judging the future by the progress that this evil makes day by day, one can easily predict that sovereigns will not delay in taking as many pains to banish this terrible art from their States as they once took to establish

Jean-Jacques Rousseau on censorship [from Explaining Postmodernism] Read More »