Search Results for: Heidegger

Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision? [Good Life series]

German authorities will allow the republication of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, after decades of censorship. Decent people can argue that the book is too dangerous to be published. But the fact is that Mein Kampf is too dangerous not to be published. The great fear is that Hitler’s ideas are not dead and that his […]

Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision? [Good Life series] Read More »


¿Por qué la filosofía comienza con Thales? Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde, 2019. English Version ¿Tiene Kant un lugar en el liberalismo clásico? Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. La respuesta es complicada. Cualquier lectura de la gran masa de escritos de Kant nos ofrece inicialmente una mezcla

Español Read More »

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation]

Por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “Comparing North and Latin American Economic Performance”, originally published in English at EveryJoe and in Portuguese at Libertarianismo.] Todos queremos que la gente logre vivir en forma adecuada, especialmente las personas pobres que están luchando por ello. Y si somos ambiciosos, queremos además que la gente pueda vivir

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation] Read More »

Are Philosophers Stupid about Politics? [The Good Life]

[First published at] Full disclosure at the outset: I’m a philosopher, and this new series of columns on The Good Life will often be about human nature, knowledge, the meaning of life, and of course politics. So let me start by indicating some of my colleagues’ opinions about politics. A favorite party game for

Are Philosophers Stupid about Politics? [The Good Life] Read More »

Por que a América do Norte é mais rica que a América Latina?

O que explica as diferenças dramáticas de desempenho econômico entre as duas Américas? Considere os números do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) disponibilizados pelo Banco Mundial — uma medida de sucesso econômico. Nós queremos que as pessoas tenham um nível de vida adequado, especialmente as pobres. E se formos ambiciosos, queremos que as pessoas tenham um

Por que a América do Norte é mais rica que a América Latina? Read More »

German philosophy in pre-World-War-II Japan

In Western nations, there is a clear connection between philosophy and totalitarian politics in the 20th century. Hegel’s philosophy, for example, took a “left” turn in Marx’s thinking — which Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin drew upon — and it took a “right” turn in Treitschke’s and Nietzsche’s thinking — which Goebbels, Hitler, and the National

German philosophy in pre-World-War-II Japan Read More »

The Fountainhead (Introduction to Philosophy this week)

In my Introduction to Philosophy course this week we are reading and discussing The Fountainhead, a great novel on the themes of independence and integrity. In Part One, Rand’s primary purpose is to contrast the characters Howard Roark and Peter Keating. Here is a table (click to enlarge) summarizing the main events in each young

The Fountainhead (Introduction to Philosophy this week) Read More »

Texts in Philosophy — early 2015 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. All files are PDFs. “Arachne and Athena.” James Buchanan, “Public Choice: Politics without Romance,” Policy Magazine (2003). Martin Heidegger, “Reunion Speech” (1934). HTML version here. Heinrich Himmler, “Speech at Posen” (1943). John Maynard Keynes, The End of Laissez-Faire (1926). HTML version here. John

Texts in Philosophy — early 2015 additions Read More »