Search Results for: Art

Ayn Rand’s summary of Nietzsche as philosopher and as poet

Here’s my two-minute trailer for my livestream lecture series starting tomorrow, June 20: Join me in this 3-session course co-organized by thinkspot and Ayn Rand Center Latin America. * Session 1: June, Saturday 20th, 12-1 pm Central. On Altruism: Both Nietzsche and Rand are vehement opponents of altruism. Why? And in what ways are their […]

Ayn Rand’s summary of Nietzsche as philosopher and as poet Read More »

Multiversity critique of my *Explaining Postmodernism*

Three smart young people critique my book in this extended YouTube conversation. I enjoyed listening, criticisms and all, as they present both sides of the arguments, intelligently assess their strengths and weaknesses, and state forthrightly their own conclusions. “Explaining Stephen Hicks: Jordan Peterson and ‘Postmodern Neo-Marxism’?” In a forthcoming Open College podcast, I’ll respond to

Multiversity critique of my *Explaining Postmodernism* Read More »

History education’s decline — Kaiser’s account

“Why Students Have Turned Away from History” by Professor David Kaiser: “Harvard and Radcliffe together had graduated about 270 history majors in 1965, with about 30 full-time history faculty. In 2017 the department had 47 full-time members and graduated 45 history majors.” Trends are the same at other leading universities. Why?

History education’s decline — Kaiser’s account Read More »

Tabarrok on police privileges

Brief, thoughtful post: “police union privileges are only one part of a system and reform requires system-thinking. Nevertheless, getting rid of these special privileges, including so-called qualified immunity and restoring the equal rule of law are good places to start. Need I also mention that police should not keep fines and forfeitures …” Source:

Tabarrok on police privileges Read More »

Pajama-boy Nietzscheans — Thompson essay

Excellent essay by Professor C. Bradley Thompson diagnosing prominent strains of the weird left and the sometimes-weirder right, both deeply anti-liberal, anti-Enlightenment, and anti-American-founding. Link. the principles and institutions of the American Founding are now under assault from the nattering nabobs of both the progressive Left and the reactionary Right. These two ideological antipodes share

Pajama-boy Nietzscheans — Thompson essay Read More »