Search Results for: Art

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios?

[A translation by Matheus Pacini and Vinicius Cintra into Portuguese of my “Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies?”] Levante o tópico dos monopólios, e a discussão resultante rapidamente evidenciará deficiências ideológicas. Um colega com quem lecionei nas áreas de negócios e capitalismo enviou-me, de forma entusiasmada, esse artigo escrito por Paul Krugman, um economista vencedor

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios? Read More »

Christian Socialism and C. S. Lewis [Open College series]

A new episode of my podcast series, produced by Possibly Correct out of Toronto. Audio: iTunes Stitcher YouTube Topics: Should Christians be socialists, and was C.S. Lewis a socialist? // Mere Christianity‘s themes // Liberal-libertarian principles — free-market economics and property rights, competence to run your own life, self-responsibility, self-respect and dignity for all, universalism

Christian Socialism and C. S. Lewis [Open College series] Read More »

On honesty, Stalin’s killings, and Western intellectuals (anecdote)

Hollywood screenwriter Anna Louise Strong was basically a Communist propagandist. When in 1956 Khrushchev “revealed” Stalin’s crimes, Strong suffered a mental breakdown over the “betrayal.” Later she confessed: “We knew all these things for twenty-five years, and I kept silent for the cause of socialism. What am I supposed to say?” (Which I connect to

On honesty, Stalin’s killings, and Western intellectuals (anecdote) Read More »

Movement splits and hatreds — a music example

Most movements consistently exhibit a destructive social psychology. The dynamic is this: a movement’s members begin with a huge amount in common — the same high talent, goals, and passions. But any difference, sometimes minor, sets them against each other ferociously and irreparably. The dynamic crops up in many movements across history — political (e.g.,

Movement splits and hatreds — a music example Read More »

Does capitalism lead to a monopoly economy?

Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks was published at The Foundation for Economic Education. Grégoire Canlorbe, a French intellectual entrepreneur residing in Paris conducted the interview. An excerpt follows. Grégoire Canlorbe: According to a popular opinion, left to its own devices, capitalism inevitably tends to a monopoly economy — an economy in

Does capitalism lead to a monopoly economy? Read More »