Sigmund Freud

Most dangerous philosophy book? (Spring 2011 edition)

For my Introduction to Philosophy course, a question on the final exam [pdf] was: In your judgment, what is the most dangerous book we read this semester? First give a clear and sympathetic presentation of the book’s most important themes; second, state your criterion/criteria of dangerousness; finally, explain why you think the book is dangerous.

Most dangerous philosophy book? (Spring 2011 edition) Read More »

20th-century psychology: Freud, Behaviorism, Cognitivism

Stephen Hicks discusses twentieth-century psychology, including Freud’s psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, and Cognitivism. This is from Part 10 of his Philosophy of Education course. 1 clip: Previous: Behaviorist philosophy: Psychology and the progression of the sciences. Next: Two preconditions for a science of psychology. Return to the Philosophy of Education page. Return to the main page.

20th-century psychology: Freud, Behaviorism, Cognitivism Read More »